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The Kayson Kids Foundation is up and running full-time!

Since losing Kayson in 2014, I have wanted to do something to bring awareness to preterm labor and other causes concerning child-loss, while keeping our son's name alive. I just didn't know how. I didn't have the resources, knowledge, courage or even the understanding as to why I felt the heaviness of it even having to be me.

I owe all honor and glory to God for the total transformation in my life. In 2016 as an atheist, I began to seek Christ. He changed me from the inside out. In that, I have been able to hear Him clearly as to what He has called and purposed me to do here on earth. In no way do I proclaim perfection, but I bless Him for the progress. I seek Him daily on the assignments He has next for my life.

In fact, as of December 2021, I have resigned from my full-time career in ministry as an Administrative Professional to focus on this Nonprofit Organization full-time with the help of my Lord and Savior, husband, board members, friends and family. This is my passion. I want to be of service to others in their struggles with no concerns of financial obligations or questions on a helping hand. The Bible says: carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2). This I believe!

In my experience, it is true that the blood of Jesus flows to the lowest valley. In fact, that is where I met my redeemer after the passing of Kayson. I also know what it's like to have support from God's children while down there. It's only right that I give back the good measure that was given unto me.

Kestiny K. Glover-Cooksey

Founder & CEO

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